- 3 Deep Space, 1983
- 3D Bat Attack, 1984
- 3D Combat Zone, 1983
- The 3D Construction Kit Game, 1991
- 3D Defenda, 1983
- 3D Desert Patrol, 1983
- 3D Double Bill, 1987
- 3D Seiddab Attack, 1983
- 3D Space Wars, 1983
- 3D Star Fighter, 1988
- 3D Star Strike, 1983
- 3D Star Wars, 1983
- 3D Tank Duel, 1984
- 3D Tanx, 1982
- 3D Tunnel, 1983
- 3D Vortex, 1983
- 3DC, 1987
- 720 Degrees, 1987
- 3D Monster Chase, 1983
- Ad Astra, 1984
- Alien 8, 1985
- Alien Evolution, 1987
- Alien Highway - Encounter 2, 1986
- Amaurote, 1987
- Ant Attack, 1983
- Archaic 3D, 1988
- Arctic Fox, 1988
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, 1986
- Avalon, 1983
- Ballbreaker, 1987
- Ballbreaker II, 1988
- Batman, 1986
- Battle of The Planets, 1986
- Battle Tank Simulator, 1984
- Battlezone, 1984
- Beach Head, 1985
- Beach Head 2, 1985
- Beam Rider, 1984
- Big Bad John, 1986
- Blade Alley, 1983
- Bobby Bearing, 1986
- Bomb Scare, 1986
- Bubble Run, 1986
- Bubbler, 1987
- Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom, 1983
- Buggy Blast, 1985
- Cabal, 1988
- Cannibals from Outer Space, 1987
- Castle Master, 1990
- Castle Master - The Crypt, 1990
- Catch 23, 1987
- Chain Reaction, 1987
- Cholo, 1986
- Codename MAT, 1984
- Codename MAT 2, 1985
- The Comet Game, 1986
- Con-Quest, 1986
- Cop-Out, 1986
- Corridors of Genon, 1983
- Cosmic Shock Absorber, 1987
- Crossfire, 1989
- Cylu, 1985
- Dark Side, 1988
- Dark Star, 1984
- Deactivators, 1986
- Deadringer, 1987
- Death Chase, 1983
- Death Star, 1984
- Death Star Interceptor, 1985
- Deathzone, 1989
- Demon's Revenge, 1988
- Devils of the Deep, 1983
- Diamond, 1988
- Dimension Destructors, 1983
- Dogfight 2187, 1987
- Dominion, 1991
- Dragontorc of Avalon, 1985
- Driller, 1987
- The Duct, 1988
- Dustin, 1987
- Earth Light, 1988
- Echelon, 1988
- The Egg, 1985
- Eliminator, 1988
- Elite, 1985
- The Empire Fights Back, 1985
- The Empire Strikes Back, 1988
- Enigma Force, 1985
- Enterprise, 1987
- Escape From the Planet of the Robot Monsters, 1990
- Exodus, 1984
- Fairlight (A Prelude: The Light Revealed), 1985
- Fairlight 128, 1986
3D Games
- Fairlight 2: Trail of Darkness, 1986
- The Fifth Quadrant, 1987
- Firetrap, 1987
- Flyer Fox, 1986
- Frankenstein Jnr., 1990
- Friday the 13th, 1986
- Galaxy Attack, 1983
- Galletron, 1988
- Gateway to Hell, 1987
- Glass, 1985
- Glider Rider, 1986
- The Great Escape, 1986
- Greyfell, 1987
- The Guardian, 1983
- Gunfright, 1985
- Gyroscope, 1985
- Head Over Heels, 1987
- Hellfire Attack, 1988
- Highway Encounter, 1985
- Hive, 1986
- Holiday In Sumaria, 1987
- Hydrofool, 1987
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1987
- Inside Outing, 1987
- James Bond 007 Action Pack, 1990
- Kirel, 1986
- Klimax, 1990
- Knight Lore, 1983
- Knot in 3D, 1983
- Komplex, 1985
- Koronis Rift, 1987
- Laser Run, 1984
- Last Mohican, 1987
- Liberator, 1983
- The Light Corridor, 1991
- Live and Let Die, 1988
- Luna Crabs, 1983
- MACH 3, 1989
- Magnetron, 1988
- Mantronix, 1986
- Marble Madness, 1986
- Marble Madness DeLuxe Edition, 1986
- Martianoids, 1987
- Max Headroom, 1986
- Mega-Apocalypse, 1988
- Mercenary, 1987
- Mercenary: The Second City, 1988
- MiG Busters, 1990
- Molecule Man, 1986
- Moons of Tantalus, 1984
- Mothership, 1984
- Movie, 1986
- N. E. X. O. R., 1986
- Narco Police, 1990
- NEIL Android, 1988
- Nether Earth, 1987
- New Cylon Attack, 1984
- NightShade, 1985
- Nosferatu the Vampyre, 1986
- Nuclear Countdown, 1987
- The Omega Zone,
- Ometron, 1983
- Orbix the Terrorball, 1986
- Orpheus in the Underworld, 1984
- Paperboy 2, 1992
- Parabola, 1987
- Pentagram, 1986
- Phantom Club, 1987
- Plasma Ball, 1989
- Plexar, 1987
- Poltergeist, 1984
- Prodigy, 1986
- Psycho City, 1989
- Pyracurse, 1986
- Quazatron, 1986
- Rasputin, 1986
- Red L. E. D., 1987
- Red Scorpion, 1987
- Renta-Kill Rita, 1987
- Rescue on Fractalus, 1986
- Return of the Jedi, 1987
- Revolution, 1986
- Revolver, 1988
- Ring Wars, 1988
- Road Wars, 1987
- The Rocky Horror Show 128, 1986
- Rogue Trooper, 1986
- Rollaround, 1988
- Rommel's Revenge, 1983
- S. O. S., 1986
- Saboteur, 1985
- Saboteur 2: Avenging Angel, 1987
- SAS: Operation Thunderflash, 1986
- The Sentinel, 1987
- Sharkey's Moll, 1991
- Sidewalk, 1987
- Sinbad, 1983
- Sky Runner, 1987
- Slap Fight, 1987
- Slingshot, 1987
- Snodgits, 1985
- Sodov the Sorcerer, 1986
- Space Harrier, 1986
- Space Harrier 2, 1990
- Space Hunter, 1986
- Space Station Zebra, 1983
- Spawn of Evil, 1983
- Speedboat Assassins, 1989
- Spin-Dizzy, 1986
- Star Raiders 2, 1988
- Star Runner, 1987
- Star Wars, 1987
- Starforce One, 1984
- Starfox, 1988
- Starglider, 1986
- Starglider 2, 1989
- Starion, 1985
- Stars & Stripes, 1989
- Starstrike II, 1986
- STUN Runner, 1990
- Submariner, 1988
- Sun Star, 1987
- Super Hero, 1988
- Super Trolley, 1988
- Superman - The Man of Steel, 1989
- Sweevo's Whirled, 1986
- Sweevo's World, 1986
- T-Bird, 1989
- Tank Battle, 1983
- Target, 1989
- Tau Ceti, 1987
- Teladon, 1988
- Tempest, 1987
- Terrahawks, 1984
- Terror-Daktil 4D, 1983
- Terrorpods, 1989
- Throne of Fire, 1987
- Tiddly Drinks, 1987
- Time Gate, 1982
- Tintin on the Moon, 1989
- Total Eclipse, 1988
- Total Eclipse 2, 1991
- Trailblazer, 1986
- The Train, 1988
- Treasure Island, 1984
- Triaxos, 1987
- Troll, 1988
- The Tube, 1987
- Twister - Mother of Charlotte, 1986
- Ultimate Warrior, 1989
- Vectron, 1985
- The Vindicator!, 1988
- Virus, 1988
- The Wanderer, 1989
- Warlock, 1988
- Warp Factor 6, 1986
- Wolfan, 1987
- Wreckers, 1991
- Xadom, 1983
- Xybots, 1989
- Zombie Zombie, 1984
- Zzoom, 1983