- 39 Steps
- 4Mation Educational Resources Ltd
- 4th Dimension
- 5D Software Services
- A 'n' F
- A V S
- A. C. E.
- A. S. Designs
- Aardvark Software
- Aasvoguelle Productions
- Abacus Programs
- Abbex
- Abersoft
- Abstract Concepts
- Access Software, Inc.
- Accolade
- ACE Software
- Active Magic
- Activision
- Add On Electronics
- Addictive Games
- Addison Wesley
- Admiral Software
- Advance Software Ltd
- The Adventure Club
- Adventure International
- Adventure Probe Software
- The Adventure Workshop
- Adventuresoft
- Again Again
- Airline Software
- Algray Software
- The Alien
- Allanson
- Alligata
- Alpha-Omega
- Alphabatim
- Alphasoft
- Alternative Software
- Am-Tec
- Amazing Games
- Amba Software
- Americana Software
- Amoeba Software
- Amstrad
- Anco Software
- Andromeda Software
- Anik Microsystems
- Anirog Software
- Anjana Soft
- Anthraxx Developments
- Anubis Software
- Apocalypse Software
- Applications
- Arc Developments
- Arcade Machine Ltd
- Arcade Software
- Argonaut Software
- Argus Press Software
- Ariolasoft (UK) Ltd
- Arnold Wheaton Software
- Arrow
- Artech Digital Productions
- Artic Computing Ltd
- Artronic Products Limited
- ASK Software
- ASP Software
- Assassin Software
- The Assemblyline
- Astral Software Ltd
- Astro Computing
- Astros Productions
- Atari Games Corporation
- Atlantis Software Ltd
- Atlas Adventure Software
- Audiogenic Software
- Automata U.K. Ltd
- Avalon Software
- AWA Software
- Axis
- Azed Software
- B. Sides Software
- Bally Midway MFG Co
- Bamby Software
- Banzai Programming
- Beam Software
- Beau-Jolly
- Bedrock Software
- Bellflower Software
- Bettertech
- Beyond
- Beyond Belief
- The Big Apple Entertainment Company
- Big Five Software
- Big Red Software
- Bignose Software
- Binary Design Ltd
- Binary Dynamics
- Binary Innovations
- Birdseed Software
- Bismilla
- Bizarre Developments
- Blaby Computer Games
- Black Knight Computers
- Black Run Software
- Blitter Animations
- Blue Ribbon Software
- Bodkin Software
- Book Club Associates
- Britannia Software
- Broderbund Software
- Bubble Bus Software
- Bubbles, Inc.
- Budgie Budget Software
- Buffer Micro Shop
- Bug-Byte
- Bullar
- Bulldog Software
- Byte Back
- The Byte Engineers
- Bytewell
- C-Tech
- Cable Software
- Cabsoft
- Calisto
- Calpac
- Camel Software
- Campbell Systems
- Canvas
- Capcom
- Caris Software
- Carnell Software Ltd
- Cascade Games
- Casey Bee Games
- Cassell Software
- Catalyst Coders
- CDS Micro Systems
- Celerysoft
- Centaurisoft
- Central Solutions
- Century City
- Century Communications
- Century Electronics
- Chad Software
- Chalksoft
- Challenge Software
- Channel 8 Software
- Charlie Charlie Sugar
- CheetahSoft
- Chezron Software
- Chibur
- Choice Software
- Christopher James Software Limited
- Citizen Software
- ClockWize
- Clwyd Software
- Codemasters
- CodeWriter Ltd
- Command Software
- Compass Software
- Compusound
- Computasolve Ltd
- Computer Magic
- Computer Tutor
- Computing Today
- Comtec
- Concept Software
- Consul Software Ltd
- Consult Computer Systems
- Contrast Software
- Core Design
- Cornhill Services
- CP Software
- Crash Magazine
- Creative Bytes Ltd
- Creative Juices
- Creative Materials Ltd
- Creative Reality
- Creative Sparks
- Creative Technology Group Ltd
- Crom Software
- Cross Software
- Crusader Computing
- Crystal Computing
- Crysys
- CSM Ltd
- Cult Games
- Currys
- Custom Software
- Cybadyne
- Cybercon Enterprises
- Cybercube Research Canada
- D & H Games
- D J Moody Computer Software
- Dalali Software
- Darkstar
- Data Design Systems
- Data East
- Database Publications
- Databyte
- Datasoft
- De Barron Software Ltd
- Dean Software
- Deep Thought Software
- Delta 4 Software
- Deltoid Developments
- Dented Designs
- Denton Designs
- Design Design
- Destiny
- Diabolic
- Digital Dexterity
- Digital Fantasia
- Digital Image
- Digital Integration
- Dinamic Software
- Disney Software
- Divide by Zero
- Dixie
- Dixons
- DJL Software
- DK'Tronics
- Dollar Soft
- Domark
- Dorcas Software
- Double Play
- Dream Software
- Dream World Adventures
- The Dreaming Djinn
- Dro Soft
- Dual Dimension
- Duckworth
- Dunitz Software
- Durell Software Ltd
- Durome
- Dymond Software
- Dynamite Designs
- Dynavision
- E & J Software
- E. S. P.
- East Midland
- Ebury Software
- Eclipse Software
- The Edge
- Eighth Day Software
- Electric Dreams
- Electric Software
- Electronic Arts
- Electronic Pencil
- Elephant Software
- Elfin Software Ltd
- Elite Systems Ltd
- ELM Computers
- Emerald Software Ltd
- Empire Software
- Encief Routines
- Encore
- Endurance Games
- Energize
- English Software
- Enigma Tapezine
- Enigma Variations
- Entertainment USA
- Epsilon Software
- Epyx
- Erbe Soft
- Ere Informatique
- Eric Bean Adventures
- Ernieware
- Essential Consultants Ltd
- The Essential Myth
- Esteem More Than Equal
- Estuary Software Products
- Euro-Byte
- Europress Software
- Excalibur Software
- Express Software
- Fabtek, Inc.
- Falcon Computing
- Fantasy Software
- Fashionsoft
- Fastback
- Faster Than Light
- Fernleaf Educational Software
- The Fiendery
- Financial Games
- Finsbury
- Firebird
- Firebird Gold
- Firebird Silver
- The Firm
- First Star Software
- Five Ways Software Ltd
- Flame Software
- Focus Creative Enterprises
- Foilkade Ltd
- The Force
- Forward Software
- The Freshies
- Fridaysoft
- Front Runner
- Frozen Ice
- FSF Adventures
- Funsoft
- Future Concepts
- Futuresoft
- G. I. Games
- Gamebusters
- Games Machine Ltd
- Games of Skill Ltd
- Games Workshop
- Gamesoft
- Gamestar
- Gamma Software
- Gang of Five
- Gargoyle Games
- Gem Software
- Gemini
- Gemtime
- Genesis Productions Ltd
- Giga Game Computer
- Gilsoft
- Global Software
- Go-It-Alone Software
- Go!
- GoGo Grafix
- Golden Triangle
- Goliath Games
- Gottlieb
- Grafix Wizards
- Graftgold Ltd
- Grandslam Entertainment
- Gremlin Graphics
- Griffin Software
- Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd
- Guild Publishing
- The Guild
- Haggisoft
- Harddata
- Haresoft Ltd
- Hawk Adventuring
- Heinemann
- Hellenic
- Hewson Consultants
- Hi Tech Microsoft
- Hi-Tec Software
- Hilderbay
- Hill MacGibbon
- The Hit Squad
- Hodder and Stoughton
- Hornby Software
- Hudson Soft
- Hutchinson
- Hyperion Software
- I.E.C. Software
- Ice Cool Coders
- ICE Software
- Icon Designs
- Icon Software
- IJK Software
- Illusion Software Ltd
- Image Software
- Image Systems
- Imageworks
- Imagic
- Imagine Software
- Imagitec Design Ltd
- Impact
- Impact Software
- Imperial Software
- Impressions
- Impulse
- Impulze
- IMS Software
- Incantation
- Incentive
- Indescomp Spain
- Infogrames Limited
- Insight Software
- Intech
- Intelligent Design Ltd
- Intelligent Software Ltd
- Interactive Technology
- Interactive Wargame Association
- Interceptor Micros
- Interceptor Software
- International Publishing & Software, Inc
- Interstellar Software
- Ionis Software International
- IQ Software
- Irem Corporation
- J. K. Greye Enterprises Ltd
- J.S. Computer Graphics
- Jaleco
- James Software
- Jega Software
- Joe the Lion
- John Henry Enterprises
- Johnson Scanatron Ltd
- Joyce Hakansson Associates, Inc.
- JRS Software
- K W Software
- K-Soft
- K-Tel International
- K'Soft
- Kaos
- Kayde Software
- Kerian (UK) Ltd
- King Software
- Kixx
- Knightsoft
- Konami
- Krisalis
- Kryptronic
- Kuma Computers
- L. A. Software
- Lander Software
- Last Chance Conversions
- Le Lu/Lu's
- The Learning Process
- Legend
- Leisure Electronic Designs Ltd
- Leisure Genius
- Level 9
- Lightning Distribution Ltd
- Limelight Software
- Linel
- Little Softie Ltd
- LiveWire Software
- Llainlian Software
- Llamasoft
- Logotron
- Longman Software
- Loriciels
- Lotus Soft
- LucasFilm Games
- Lumpsoft
- Lyndenhurst Ltd
- Lynsoft (UK) Ltd
- Lyversoft
- M & J Software
- M C Lothlorien
- M D Software
- M. F .M. Data Services Limited
- Macmillan Software
- Macsen Software
- Maelstrom Games Ltd
- Magic Bytes
- Magicom
- Magnetic Scrolls
- Magnificent 7 Software
- Major Developments
- Malan Software
- Mandarin Software
- Manor Software
- Mansfield Computers & Electronics
- Marlin Games
- Marmalade Software
- Martech Games
- Master Adventurer
- Mastertronic
- Mastertronic Added Dimension
- Mastertronic Plus
- Mastervision
- Matand
- Maxwell Technology
- Mediandroid
- Megadodo Software
- Megasoft
- Melbourne House
- MGSoft
- Micro Gold
- Micro Master
- The Micro Selection
- Micro Value
- Micro-Computer
- Micro-Engineering
- Micro-partner
- Microbyte
- Microdeal
- Microgame Simulations
- Microids
- Microjuice
- Microlook Soft Ltd
- Micromania
- MicroMart Software
- Micromega
- Micropower
- Microprose
- Microsphere
- Microstyle
- Microwish
- Mikro-Gen
- Millenium Software
- Millside Software
- Minatron
- Mind Games
- Mind's Eye Software
- Mindscape International
- Minimal Systems
- Mirrorsoft
- Missionsoft
- Mizar Computing
- Modular Resources Ltd
- Mogul
- Monolith
- Moonchild Software
- Mosaic
- Mr Chip Software
- Mr Micro
- MW Gamesworld
- Mysterious Adventures
- Mystic Software
- Mythos
- Namco
- Nebula Designs
- Neptune
- New Concepts
- New Frontier Software
- New Generation Software
- Newdata Software
- Newsoft Products
- Nexus Productions Ltd
- Nichibutsu
- Nintendo
- Noble House Software
- Nocturnal Software
- Novagen
- Novotrade Rt.
- NTD Software
- Number 9 Software
- Oasis Software
- Ocean Software
- Odin Computer Graphics Ltd
- Olympic Software
- Omega Software
- Omen Software
- Opera Soft
- Optimus Software
- Orange Software
- Origin Software
- Orpheus
- Orwin Software
- Outlaw Productions
- Oxford Computer Publishing Ltd
- Oz Software
- P. H. Software
- Pacific Software
- PAL Software
- Palace Software
- Panda Software
- Pandora
- Pantheon Software
- Paradise Software
- Paragon Programming
- Paranoid Software
- Partyline
- Paxman Promotions
- PD Visual Marketing
- Peaksoft
- Pearl Software
- Pegasus Software
- Pelagon Software
- Pennsoft
- Pentagram Software
- Perfection Software
- Phipps Associates
- Phoenix Software
- Piranha
- Pirate Computing
- Pirate Software
- Platinum Productions
- Playability by Design
- Players Software
- Pocket Money Software
- Poppy Programs
- Poppy Soft
- Positive Image Software
- Postern
- Power House Publishing
- Power Software
- Powerplay
- Precision Games
- Premier Software
- PrImer Software
- Prism Leisure
- Probe Software
- Procom Software
- Profisoft
- Program Power
- Program Techniques Ltd
- Protek Computing Ltd
- Psion
- Psychaedelic Hedgehog Software
- Psychic Software
- Psyclapse
- Psygnosis
- Pulsonic
- Qual-Soft
- Quantum Productions
- Quest Microsoftware
- Quicksilva
- Quiet Bunch
- R & R Software
- R. C. D. Ltd
- R. D. Foord Software
- R. E. D.
- R. F. B. Software
- R. G. R.
- Rabbit Software
- Rack-It
- Radar Games
- The Radical Tubes
- Rainbird
- Rainbow Arts
- Rainbow Software
- Ram Jam Corporation
- Ramtop Software
- Random Access
- Rankshigh Ltd
- Reaktor
- Realtime Games Software
- Rebound
- Redshift Ltd
- Redwood Designs
- Reelax
- Reflections
- Reflex Arc
- Remsoft Arcade Designs
- Reptile Industries
- Richard Shepherd Software
- Richard Wilcox Software
- Ricochet
- Rino
- River Software
- Romantic Robot
- Rome Software
- Romik
- Rose Software
- Rossware
- Runesoft
- Sabresoft
- Sacred Scroll Software
- Sagittarian Software
- Salamander Software
- The Sales Curve
- Samurai Software
- Saphire
- SAR Investment Properties
- Saturnsoft
- Scetlander
- Scisoft
- Scope Designs
- Scorpio Games Software
- SCR Adventures
- Screen 7
- Search
- Season Soft
- Sega
- Sensible Software
- Sentient Software
- Serin Software
- Serious Software
- Severn Software
- Shards Software
- Sharp's
- Sidewinder
- Sierra on Line
- The Silent Corner
- Silhouette Software
- Silicon Joy
- Silver Fox Communications
- Silverbird
- Silversoft
- Sinclair Research Ltd
- Slogger Software
- Smart Egg Production
- Snowman Enterprises Ltd
- Soft Concern Ltd
- Soft Hits
- Soft Machine
- Soft Option
- Softeam
- Softek
- Softel
- Softfirm
- Softlee Systems
- Softly Softly
- Softricks
- Softstone
- SoftSync Inc.
- Software Communications
- Software Conversions Ltd
- Software Cottage
- Software Creations
- Software Farm
- Software Foundation
- Software Images
- Software Liaison
- Software Paradise
- Software Projects
- Software Publishing Associates
- Software Sorcery
- Software Studios
- Software Supersavers
- The Software Toolworks
- Solarsoft
- Solid Image Ltd
- Source Ltd
- Southern Software
- Southway Software
- Space Age Software
- Sparklers
- Spartan Software
- Speccysoft
- Special FX
- Specsim
- Spectrasoft
- Spectraxx Tape Magazine
- Spectrum Adventure Exchange Club
- Spectrum Computing
- Spectrum Games
- Spectrum Software
- Spinnaker
- Spirit Software
- Spoof Software
- St Brides'
- Star Dreams
- Starbyte Software
- Starlight Software
- Starlite Software
- Starzone Software
- State Soft Limited
- STD Games
- Stell Software
- Sterling Software
- Storm Software
- Strange Loop
- Streetwise
- Strobe
- Studio B Ltd
- Stylesoft
- Subway Software
- Sulis Software
- Summit
- Sunshine
- Supa Nova
- Superior Software
- Supersoft Systems
- Supersonic Software
- Synsoft
- Syrox Ltd
- Syrtis Software
- System 3
- T. J. Owen
- TAD Corporation
- Tag Computer Games
- Taito
- Tanglewood Software
- Tansoft
- Target Games
- Tarran Ltd
- Tartan Software
- Taskset
- Technos Japan
- Tecmo Ltd
- Teenware
- Tehkan
- Telecomsoft
- Temptation Software Limited
- Tengen
- Teque Software
- Terminal Software
- Textgate Computers Ltd
- Thalamus
- Thor Computer Software
- Thorn EMI Computer Software
- Thundersoft
- Tiertex Ltd
- Tigress Marketing Designs
- Timedata Graphics
- Timescape Software
- Titan Programs
- Titus Software
- TK Computerware
- TNT Software
- Top Shots
- Top Spec
- Top Ten
- Topologika
- Toposoft
- Torus
- Touch Down!
- Tricoder
- Trident Software
- Triple Six Software
- Tron Swedish Software
- Tronix
- Turtle Software
- TV Games
- Twilight
- Tynesoft
- U. S. Gold
- Ubi Soft
- Ubik Software
- Ultimate Play the Game
- Unique
- Vektor Grafix
- Venom Games
- Ventamatic
- Venturesoft
- Video Force
- Video Showcase
- Video Software Ltd
- Video Vault
- View Software
- Viper
- Virgin Games
- Virgin Mastertronic
- Visage
- Visions
- Visual Dimensions
- Visual Impact Production
- Vivid Image
- Viz Design
- Vortex Software
- Voyager Software
- Walking Circles
- Wallsoft
- Walrus Computing
- Waltone Software
- War on Want Games
- Warwick Leisure
- Watson Software Services Ltd
- WD Software
- Websters Software
- Widgit Software
- Wildest Dreams
- Wildfire Publishing
- Williams Technology
- Willsoft
- Winner
- Winters Ltd
- Wintersoft
- Wise Owl Software
- Wizard Computer Games
- Wizard Software
- WoMo Team
- Work Force
- Wrightchoice Software
- Wyvern Software
- Xcel
- Xplosive
- The Zen Room
- Zenobi Software
- Zeppelin Games
- Zeus Software
- Zigurat
- Zircon Software
- Zodiac Software
- ZX Computing
Software Houses