- a, b, c ... Lift-Off!, 1983
- ABC, 1983
- Adding & Subtracting, 1983
- Alpha-Beth, 1983
- Alphabet, 1983
- Alphabet Zoo, 1984
- Ancient Quests, 1985
- Animal Anagrams, 1983
- Arithmetic Quiz, 1983
- Bailiff, 1983
- Beat the Clock, 1983
- Besieged, 1984
- Body Works, 1985
- Bodyswop, 1985
- Bull Tables, 1983
- Caesar's Travels, 1985
- Car Journey, 1983
- Cargo, 1985
- Carlo the Clown, 1984
- Castle of Dreams, 1984
- Castles and Clowns, 1985
- Character Invader, 1983
- Chess Tutor, 1983
- Christmas Adventure, 1983
- Clever Clogs Blockbuster, 1984
- Clever Clogs Christmas Twin Pack, 1984
- Clever Clogs General Knowledge, 1984
- Clever Clogs History Mystery, 1984
- Clever Clogs Jungle Jumble, 1983
- Clever Clogs Melody Maker, 1984
- Clever Clogs Party Time, 1983
- Clever Clogs Sam Safety, 1984
- Clever Clogs Shipshapes, 1984
- Clever Clogs Startrucker, 1984
- Clever Clogs Whizz Quiz, 1984
- Count and Add, 1992
- Count with Oliver, 1984
- Countabout, 1983
- Counting, 1983
- Countries of the World, 1982
- A Day at the Seaside, 1985
- Disease Dodgers, 1985
- Ducks, 1983
- Dyslexia Beater, 1984
- Educational Compendium, 1984
- Eiffel Tower, 1983
- The Enormous Turnip, 1984
- Estimator Racer, 1984
- First Steps with the Mr. Men, 1983
- Five Little Ducks, 1984
- Fletcher's Castle, 1984
- The Four Rules of Number, 1983
- French is Fun, 1983
- French Listening Comprehension, 1985
- Fun School 2, 1989
- Fun School 3, 1991
- Fun School 4, 1992
- German is Fun, 1983
- The Giddy Game Show, 1986
- Golden Apple, 1983
- Goldilocks, 1984
- Granny's Garden, 1983
- Hangman, 1984
- Hansel and Gretel, 1984
- Henrietta's Book of Spells, 1990
- Here &There with the Mr. Men, 1985
- Hidden Letters, 1983
- Hot Dot Spotter, 1983
- Hotline Quiz, 1984
- The Humpty Dumpty Mystery & Who Killed Cock Robin?, 1983
- Identikit, 1983
- Intermediate English 1, 1982
- Intermediate English 2, 1982
- Intermediate Maths 1, 1982
- Intermediate Maths 2, 1982
- Italian is Fun, 1984
- Jack in Crazyland, 1985
- Jack in Magicland, 1983
- Jumpy Snake Blues and Honky Tonk, 1984
- Jungle Adventure, 1984
- Language Development Series, 1983
- Learn to Read 1, 1983
- Learn to Read 2, 1983
- Learn to Read 3, 1983
- Learn to Read 4, 1983
- Learn to Read 5, 1983
- Learning to Read, 1983
- Learning with Leeper, 1985
- Look Sharp!, 1984
- Magic, 1985
- Magic Mountain, 1983
- The Magic Shop, 1984
- The Magic Sword, 1984
- Maths Invaders, 1984
- Missing Words, 1983
- Mister Mac's Day, 1984
- Money, 1983
- Mount Challenge, 1985
- Mr T's Alphabet Games, 1985
- Nine Currant Buns, 1985
- North American Indians, 1983
- Note Invaders, 1983
- Number Painter, 1984
- Nursery Rhymes, 1985
- Oil Strike, 1984
- Pathfinder, 1984
- Pazazz, 1987
- The Perfume Hunter, 1986
- Picture Logic, 1983
- The Pimans Cocktail Cabinet, 1985
- Planet Patrol, 1984
- Play As You Learn, 1984
- Primary Arithmetic, 1982
- Puncman, 1984
- Punctuation Pete, 1984
- Quest for A, 1986
- Quick Thinking!, 1983
- Ranch, 1984
- The Real You?, 1985
- Red Riding Hood, 1984
- Robot Runner, 1984
- Romper Room, 1986
- Shape Sorter, 1983
- Snapple Hopper, 1985
- Space Professor, 1984
- Spacewreck, 1984
- Spanish Gold, 1983
- Spanish is Fun, 1985
- Special Agent, 1983
- Spelling Bee, 1984
- Star Reader, 1983
- Sum Scruncher, 1983
- The Sunflower Number Show, 1985
- Survival, 1984
- Telling the Time, 1983
- Time, 1983
- Time Traveller, 1984
- Tiny Tot's Seven, 1983
- Towering Inferno, 1983
- Treasure, 1986
- Turntaking, 1985
- Type-Rope, 1985
- Volcano, 1984
- Word Games with the Mr. Men, 1986
- Zodiac Master, 1984
Game Type - Educational Game