- 3-2-1, 1986
- Aaargh!, 1989
- Action Force II, 1988
- Addictaball,
- The Adventures of a St Bernard, 1983
- Aegean Voyage, 1983
- Agent X in the Brain Drain Caper, 1987
- Ah Diddums, 1983
- Airbase Invader, 1983
- Airborne Ranger, 1988
- AirWolf, 1985
- AirWolf II, 1987
- Alien Swoop, 1983
- Alien Syndrome, 1988
- All or Nothing, 1985
- All Systems Go, 1983
- Alpha-Probe, 1984
- Android Pit Rescue, 1982
- Ant Attack, 1983
- Apple Jam, 1983
- Aquarius, 1983
- Arena, 1983
- The Ark, 1984
- Army Moves, 1986
- Astronut, 1985
- The Atlas Assignment, 1983
- Attack of the Mutant Zombie Flesh-Eating Chickens From Mars, 1987
- Auf Wiedersehen Pet, 1984
- Aviatak, 1985
- B. C. Bill, 1983
- B. C. II, Grog's Revenge, 1985
- Ball Crazy, 1987
- Bandersnatch, 1987
- Barchou, 1984
- Barreldrop, 1983
- Battle of the Toothpaste Tubes, 1983
- Bazam, 1985
- Bazooka Bill, 1987
- BC's Quest for Tires, 1984
- Beaky and the Egg Snatchers, 1983
- Beatcha!, 1983
- Beaver Bob in Dam Trouble, 1983
- Bedlam Blaster, 1983
- Beetlemania, 1983
- Benidorm, 1984
- Bewarehouse, 1983
- Biggles, 1986
- Billy Bluebottle, 1984
- Billy Bong, 1983
- Bimbo, 1983
- The Birds and The Bees, 1983
- Black Hawk, 1983
- The Black Hole, 1983
- Blade Runner, 1985
- Blind Alley, 1983
- Blockade Runner, 1983
- Blue Max, 1983
- Blue Thunder, 1983
- Bomb Jack, 1985
- Bomber Birds, 1983
- Bonkers, 1983
- Bounce Panic, 1984
- Bouncing Berty, 1983
- Bounder, 1986
- Brain Damage, 1983
- Bristles, 1985
- Bronx Street Cop, 1989
- Bubble Buster, 1983
- Bug Race, 1989
- Bugaboo (the Flea), 1983
- Bugs, 1984
- Bull Run, 1983
- Bunny, 1983
- Butcher Hill, 1988
- Butterfly, 1983
- Buzz Off!, 1983
- Byte Bitten, 1983
- C5 Clive, 1985
- Caesar The Cat, 1983
- California Gold Rush, 1983
- Call Me Psycho, 1987
- Carnival, 1983
- Carpet Capers, 1984
- Casey Jones, 1983
- Catastrophes, 1984
- Caveman Capers, 1985
- Caverns of Kontonia, 1986
- Challenge of the Gobots, 1987
- Chicago 30's, 1989
- Chinese Juggler, 1984
- Chopper Rescue, 1983
- Chrysalis, 1985
- Circus Games, 1988
- City Bomber, 1983
- Clerky, 1984
- The Colliery, 1984
- Colour Clash, 1983
- Comic Bakery, 1986
- Confusion, 1983
- Contraption, 1985
- Cookie, 1983
- Cosmic Attack, 1983
- Crash, 1983
- Crazy Crane, 1985
- Crevasse, 1983
- Critical Mass, 1985
- Crosswize, 1987
- Cruising on Broadway, 1983
- Dalek Dan, 1983
- Dangermouse in Double Trouble, 1984
- Dashing Douggie, 1983
- A Day in the Life, 1985
- De-Fusion, 1983
- Death Chess 5000, 1984
- Death Cruiser, 1983
- Death Trap, 1984
- Death Wish 3, 1987
- Decor Wreckers, 1983
- The Deep, 1988
- Defcom, 1986
- Defusion, 1984
- Dekorating Blues, 1986
- The Devil Rides In, 1983
- Di-Lithium Lift, 1983
- Diamond Mine, 1983
- Die Alien Slime, 1989
- Dinky Digger, 1983
- Disco Dan, 1984
- Discs of Death, 1985
- Disposable Heroes (The Invasion of the Mega Garbage Beings), 1987
- Dodge City, 1983
- Dogfight, 1984
- Don't Panic, 1985
- Doom Bugs, 1983
- Doomsday Castle, 1983
- Double Trouble, 1983
- Downtown, 1991
- Dracula's Castle, 1984
- Dragon's Lair, 1986
- Dragon's Lair Part II: Escape from Singe's Castle, 1987
- Dragonfire, 1984
- Driller Tanks, 1983
- The Drive In, 1984
- Duet, 1987
- Dumb Duck, 1984
- Ed-On, 1983
- Electro 2, 1989
- Electro 3, 1989
- Elevator Action, 1987
- Energy 30,000, 1984
- Energy Warrior, 1987
- Engineer Humpty, 1984
- Eric and the Floaters, 1984
- Eskimo Eddie, 1984
- Ethnipod, 1991
- ETX, 1983
- Exterminator, 1983
- The Exterminator, 1983
- Extreme, 1991
- Factory Breakout, 1984
- Falklands Crisis, 1985
- Fall Guy, 1985
- Fantasy, 1987
- The Fast and the Furious, 1987
- Fat Worm Blows A Sparky, 1986
- Fernandez Must Die, 1988
- Fiery Fred, 1985
- Firehawks, 1983
- Fisherman Fred, 1983
- The Force... Beyond!, 1984
- Fort Apocalypse, 1983
- Foxx Fights Back, 1989
- Fozbee and the Hunny-Suckers, 1983
- Frankenstein 2000, 1985
- Frenzy, 1982
- Frogs, 1983
- Frontline, 1988
- Froot Loop, 1984
- Frostbyte, 1986
- Galactic Patrol, 1983
- Game Over, 1987
- Game Over II, 1988
- Gerry the Germ, 1985
- Ghastly Ghouls, 1984
- Ghostbusters II, 1989
- Giant's Revenge, 1984
- Glug Glug, 1984
- Gobstopper, 1983
- Godzilla and the Martians, 1984
- Gold Mine, 1983
- Gold Rush, 1983
- Gorgon, 1983
- Gotcha, 1983
- The Great Fire of London, 1982
- The Great Fire of London, 1985
- Great Gurianos, 1987
- The Greatest Show on Earth, 1985
- Grid Bug, 1983
- Grid Patrol, 1983
- Grid Quest, 1984
- Gridrunner, 1983
- Ground Force Zero, 1982
- Grumpy Gumphrey Super-Sleuth, 1986
- Guido, 1983
- Gun Boat, 1987
- H.E.R.O., 1984
- Handy Andy, 1984
- HARD: Heavy Armed Roboid Destroyer, 1986
- Harry Goes Home, 1984
- Head The Ball, 1989
- Headbangers Heaven,
- Helichopper, 1985
- HighNoon, 1983
- Hitman, 1984
- Hoppin' Mad, 1988
- Horace & the Spiders, 1983
- Horace Goes Skiing, 1982
- Hot House Hell, 1984
- Hot Shot, 1988
- Hotfoot, 1982
- Hyperactive, 1988
- Hyperblaster, 1984
- Hypertron, 1987
- I, Ball, 1987
- I, Ball 2, 1987
- Iceberg, 1982
- Impossaball, 1987
- The Incredible Shrinking Sphere, 1989
- Infernal Combustion, 1983
- Inferno, 1983
- Infodroid,
- Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear, 1987
- Intensity, 1988
- Invasion Force, 1983
- Iron Soldier, 1989
- It's the Wooluf!, 1984
- Jangler, 1984
- Jason's Gem, 1985
- Jaws Revenge, 1982
- Jokers Wild, 1983
- Judge Death, 1987
- Judge Dredd, 1987
- Jump, 1984
- Kamikaze Collector, 1985
- Kane, 1986
- Kat Trap, 1986
- Killer Knight, 1984
- Killer Ring, 1988
- Kinetik, 1987
- Knocker Blocker, 1983
- Knockout, 1983
- Kong, 1983
- Kong Strikes Back, 1984
- Kosmic Kanga, 1984
- Krakatoa, 1984
- Krazy Golf, 1983
- Kwik Snax, 1990
- Lancer Lords, 1983
- Laser II, 1984
- Laser Zone, 1983
- Laserwarp, 1983
- Law of the West, 1986
- Laze Blaze, 1983
- Lazer Tag, 1987
- Lazerwheel, 1987
- Lemmings, 1991
- Leviathan, 1987
- Liberator, 1988
- License to Kill, 1989
- Lifeline, 1984
- Light Cycle, 1983
- Little Computer People, 1987
- Loony Lander, 1984
- Lord Harry, 1983
- Los Angeles SWAT, 1987
- Lost, 1983
- MadBalls, 1988
- Madhatter, 1984
- Magic Carpet, 1985
- Magic Meanies, 1983
- The Magic Roundabout, 1984
- Mailstrom, 1986
- Man Hunt, 1984
- Mask, 1987
- Mask 2, 1987
- Matrix: Gridrunner II, 1984
- Mckensie, 1983
- Menace, 1983
- Metal Drone, 1987
- Micro Mouse Goes De-bugging, 1983
- Mikie, 1985
- Minefield, 1982
- Mission Impossible, 1983
- Mission Jupiter, 1987
- Mission Omega, 1983
- Mission Possible, 1983
- Molar Maul, 1983
- Monsters in Hell, 1983
- Moon Buggy, 1983
- Moon Buggy, 1983
- Moon Lander, 1984
- Moons of Tantalus, 1984
- Moonwalker, 1989
- Morris Meets the Bikers, 1983
- Motorway, 1983
- Mount Challenge, 1985
- Mountie Mick's Death Ride, 1987
- Mrs Mopp, 1983
- Muggins the Spaceman, 1987
- Mummy Mummy!, 1984
- Munnery's Mergatroids, 1984
- Murphy, 1988
- Mutant Ant Attack, 1984
- Mutant Monty, 1984
- Mystical, 1991
- N. O. M. A. D., 1985
- N.E.X.U.S., 1986
- Nanas, 1983
- NATO Assault Course, 1988
- Navy Moves, 1988
- Nemesis the Warlock, 1987
- Never Mind the Nasties, 1986
- Nicotine Nightmare, 1985
- Night Stalker, 1984
- Nihilist, 1987
- Nineteen Part 1: Boot Camp, 1988
- Nonterraqueous, 1985
- Nth Zone, 1985
- Nuke Lear, 1984
- Oh Mummy!!, 1983
- Ole, Toro, 1986
- One Man and His Droid, 1985
- Orc Attack, 1984
- Orm and Cheep - The Birthday Party, 1985
- Ostron, 1983
- Out Of This World, 1987
- Packhouse Pete, 1984
- Paddy, 1984
- Painter, 1983
- Pane Damage, 1984
- Pang, 1990
- Panic Dizzy, 1991
- Panzadrome, 1985
- Parabola, 1987
- Paranoid Pete, 1984
- Park Patrol, 1986
- Pasteman Pat, 1989
- Pedro, 1984
- Percy the Potty Pigeon, 1983
- Phasor Power, 1984
- Pi in the Sky, 1985
- Pi-Eyed, 1984
- Piggy Punks, 1990
- Pippo, 1986
- Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, 1984
- Platoon, 1988
- Pneumatic Hammers, 1987
- Pogotron, 1989
- Polaris Patrol, 1984
- Potty Painter, 1983
- Power Boat Simulator, 1989
- Prison Riot, 1990
- Prohibition, 1987
- Proteus, 1984
- Pssst, 1983
- Pulsator, 1987
- Push Off, 1983
- The Pyramid, 1983
- Qarx, 1988
- Quick Draw McGraw, 1991
- Quondam, 1989
- Ramparts, 1988
- Rasterscan, 1987
- Reactor, 1984
- Revenge of the C5, 1985
- Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes!, 1983
- Rider, 1984
- Rikosphere, 1992
- River Raider, 1984
- River Rescue, 1984
- Road Racer, 1983
- Road Runner, 1987
- Road Runner, 1991
- Robber, 1983
- RoboCop, 1988
- Robot Chase, 1982
- Robot Rumpus, 1985
- Run the Gauntlet, 1989
- S. O. S., 1983
- Sabotage, 1988
- Sabre, 1984
- Saigon Combat Unit, 1989
- Sam Slug, 1983
- Sam Spade, 1983
- Sam Stoat (Safe-breaker), 1985
- Santa, 1983
- SAS Assault, 1984
- SAS Combat Simulator, 1989
- SAS Strike Force, 1987
- Satan, 1989
- Savage!, 1988
- Schizoids, 1983
- The Scrapyard, 1984
- Screwball, 1983
- Scuba Dive, 1983
- Sea War, 1982
- Shadow Skimmer, 1987
- Shadowfax, 1983
- The Shaky Game, 1983
- Shark Attack, 1983
- Sheepwalk, 1983
- Shockway Rider, 1987
- Shuttle, 1983
- Sidewize, 1987
- Skateboard Joust, 1989
- Skatin' USA, 1989
- Slap Dab, 1983
- Snake Pit, 1983
- Soft & Cuddly, 1987
- Sorcery, 1984
- Space 7, 1992
- Space Walk, 1984
- Spaghetti Western Simulator, 1990
- Special Delivery, 1984
- Specventure, 1985
- Spiders Web, 1983
- Spiky Harold (Goes Hibernating), 1985
- Spinads, 1983
- Spraymania, 1985
- SQIJ!, 1987
- Squirt, 1986
- Stage Coach, 1984
- Star Paws, 1988
- Star Searcher, 1984
- Starship 2100RD, 1984
- SteepleJack, 1986
- Steigar, 1989
- Stomping Stan, 1983
- Stop Ball, 1987
- Stop the Express, 1983
- Storm Fighters, 1982
- Stunt Rider, 1984
- Super Digger, 1984
- Super G Man, 1988
- Super Mutt, 1984
- Super Sam, 1985
- Supergran, 1985
- Superman, 1985
- Supersnails, 1984
- Swettibitz in Space, 1985
- Swordfight at Midnight, 1983
- Tank Command, 1988
- Tapper, 1985
- Taxi!, 1983
- Techno Cop, 1988
- Thanatos, 1986
- Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, 1990
- Thomas the Tank Engine II,
- Thrust, 1986
- Thrust 2, 1987
- Thrusta, 1983
- Thundercats, 1987
- Tidy Tony, 1987
- Tiler Tim, 1983
- Time Bomb, 1983
- TRaceON, 1983
- Trackmaster, 1988
- Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge, 1988
- Transversion, 1984
- Trashman, 1984
- Travel With Trashman, 1984
- Traxx, 1983
- Tribble Trouble, 1984
- Trom, 1983
- Tube Train Terror, 1983
- Twilight Zone, 1984
- Ugh!, 1983
- Vagan Attack, 1983
- Viscious Vermin, 1984
- Vixen, 1988
- Viz the Computer Game, 1991
- WASH-N-SLOSH, 1984
- Weed Attack, 1985
- West Bank, 1985
- White Heat, 1987
- Wild Water, 1989
- Wind Surfer, 1986
- Winged Warlords, 1983
- Wizball, 1987
- Worlds At War, 1983
- Worms, 1983
- Wreckage, 1983
- Wulfpack, 1989
- Xarq, 1986
- Xeno II, 1983
- Y. S. Capers, 1990
- Yogi Bear, 1987
- Yomp, 1983
- Zapper, 1983
- Zolyx, 1988
- Zythum, 1986
Game Type - Arcade Game